General Location
Teton County, Idaho is surrounded by the Teton Range to the east and south, the Big Hole Mountains to the west and eventually the Yellowstone Plateau to the north. This valley was once referred to as Pierre’s Hole, in reference to its mountainous surrounding boundaries, in the same way that the adjacent valley to the southeast was once referred to as Jackson’s Hole. While this location is now referred to as the Teton Valley, it remains that it is a breathtaking setting of a high alpine valley ringed by mountains that have been conserved in a natural state through their inclusion in either lands under the control of the National Park Service or USDA National Forest.
Properties in this location benefit from scenic and recreational amenities that have made it one of the world’s most desirable places to live. While the attributes mentioned thus far speak to seclusion and tranquility offered by the intermountain west, amenities such as a local airport that serves planes with a runway and taxiway of 7,300 feet in length, allowing planes with a weight capacity of 75,000 pounds using double wheel landing gear. Additionally, plentiful commercial flights from the Jackson Hole Airport bring a superb accessibility to the Teton Valley.
Property Specific Location
Teton Jewel is located at the western termination of public land ownership in the Horseshoe Canyon area of the Teton Valley. Therefore, through its nearly five miles of contiguity with the 3,000,000-acre Caribou-Targhee National Forest capitalizes in a most direct way on its location in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In addition to the seclusion and boundless recreational opportunities offered by bordering National Forest, Teton Jewel is located at the transition zone from the Teton Valley floor to foothills of Big Hole Range, with its highest elevations being approximately 350 feet above the valley floor. This location affords the property an ideal mix of level fields, rolling hills, and high meadows located above areas of more dramatic topographic relief. Additionally, in equal measure of benefit to the property’s Forest contiguity (if not more), the elevated views of the Teton Range afforded by this location are second-to-none in the Teton Valley.